You do not have to be your mother unless she is who you want to be.
You do not have to be your mother's mother, or you mother's mother's mother, or even your grandmother's mother on your father's side.
You may inherit their chins or their hips or their eyes, but you are not destined to become the women who came before you, you are not destined to live their lives.
So if you inherit something, inherit their strength.
If you inherit something, inherit their resilience.
Because the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm proud to be an American :)

Saturday the 3rd: Well I woke up pretty late but my family still wanted to do something so we got ready to go to Lake Calhoun but I guess we didn't. So my mom got me a book and I just read out in the gazebo pretty much the rest of the day.
Sunday the 4th: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Well it's kinda late for that but oh well its still an important holiday! I spent the morning sleeping in bed and then the rest of my day was spent on the boat with my grandparents, uncle, cousin Ian, my parents, and sister. It may sound overwhelming to some, but it's fun for me! I really like being around my family. We haven't done something like this in a while so it was good to get the good ol' Jacobson family back together (well the part of the family that could fit on the boat). Anyways.... we went to Excelsior and guess what I ate.... A CORNDOG! Yes, the best thing ever on a stick. Well my craving wasn't satisfied even though I had 3 corndogs at Valleyfair I hope I can go to either Valleyfair or the State Fair sometime soon! After I got my corndog my mini family (dad, mom, sis) walked to the ice cream store in town to get ice cream. Yummy yummy! It was really good and I'm glad I got that. We boated over to Big Island and just relaxed for a while before heading home. We didn't see fireworks but that's okay! I had seen them earlier in the week and I had a horrible headache from them so I wasn't hoping to see them again.... well at least until next year!
Monday the 5th: I met with my friend Kara which was really good and then I went over to my grandma and grandpas for dinner. Dinner went well and we got to watch the Bacholorette on the big screen in the basement! I had a really great time and my grandma just makes me laugh :) In a good way!
Tuesday the 6th: Well I took my dog Sam for a long walk and let her go swimming! It was really fun until I got home and had to torture her by giving her a bath. I felt bad about it, but my punishment was spending the rest of the humid afternoon staying outside with her while her fur dried. I kinda made a few excuses to run inside! But I enjoyed my quality time with her! I also went to soccer practice which was a killer. I spent the rest of the night just.... relaxing.... how awesome.
I have the last game of the season tomorrow! ahhhhh! so excited! happy its a home game and we should win :)

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