You do not have to be your mother unless she is who you want to be.
You do not have to be your mother's mother, or you mother's mother's mother, or even your grandmother's mother on your father's side.
You may inherit their chins or their hips or their eyes, but you are not destined to become the women who came before you, you are not destined to live their lives.
So if you inherit something, inherit their strength.
If you inherit something, inherit their resilience.
Because the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away! Please :)

Well today I had a super duper fun day planned with my buddies Marissa, Lucas, and CJ. But what did I see this morning???? Rainclouds, thunderheads to be exact. I wasn't too happy. Then I heard it would start clearing up by noon. Well the day was icky until about 2 after everybody changed their plans and decided to go to my house. And of course, my mom had something fun planned from 3:30-6 so I couldn't go to the beach with everybody anymore :( but at least my mom is letting me have them over tonight so that makes up for my disappointment this morning! So right now I'm "cleaning" my room and doing laundry. But I also happen to be on my blog so my room is being neglected. Tomorrow I'm going to my cousin Haley and Carley's dance recital so I'm really excited for that and then I'm going to soccer practice to prep for the game on Monday. Well I should probably go give my room some TLC.
Goal for Tomorrow: Enjoy the busy day :)

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