You do not have to be your mother unless she is who you want to be.
You do not have to be your mother's mother, or you mother's mother's mother, or even your grandmother's mother on your father's side.
You may inherit their chins or their hips or their eyes, but you are not destined to become the women who came before you, you are not destined to live their lives.
So if you inherit something, inherit their strength.
If you inherit something, inherit their resilience.
Because the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Day in a Nut Shell :)

Today not too much was on my mind. I started out the day tired... I hate waking up now but I'm petrified of waking up too late to straighten my hair in the morning so I get up in a paniced mood. In advisory we went outside to play kick ball with Mr. Carr's class and Alison and I were the only girls who would play. Note: I was barefoot and Alison was in a dress in flip flops. But nonetheless, we were a valuable asset to our teams. I got out the first time but luckily the second time when I bunted it I got all the way around the bases but not a homerun. The rest of the day went like normal except for my communications speech. I wore black dressy pants and high heel peep toe shoes... Matt Payne said I looked like a mom?? I was thinking have you ever seen a mom dress like this? Uhh.... no! But overall my speech was pretty good and I was surprised that Mr. Carlson wasn't mad about my Republican poster and interesting comments towards Barack Obama. The rest of the day was boring and I just got back from a walk with my mom. I'm about to go eat pizza (my favorite food above all) and then going flower shopping with my grandma that lives 7 doors down. I'm excited because I rarely get time alone with my grandma because her and my sister Abby are really close. Tomorrow I need to leave my house super early so I can go to my soccer game all the way up in St. Michael. The game starts at 6:30 and we need to be there an hour early. Unfortunately, the traffic is sooooo bad getting up there so I need to leave my house between 4:30-4:45 and I probably won't get home until at least 8 at night. Lets hope I dont have any homework!! I'm excited for the game because my daddy is going to be there and for some reason I play more aggressively when he's in the crowd watching. I also get to play my first game with my new Nike yellow soccer shoes which have sharp plastic cleats on the bottom. My cleats have almost injured 2 of my teammates (sorry Alexis and Emily). I'll try to update on the blog about the score and how I played!
Goal for Tomorrow: Beat St. Michael :)

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