You do not have to be your mother unless she is who you want to be.
You do not have to be your mother's mother, or you mother's mother's mother, or even your grandmother's mother on your father's side.
You may inherit their chins or their hips or their eyes, but you are not destined to become the women who came before you, you are not destined to live their lives.
So if you inherit something, inherit their strength.
If you inherit something, inherit their resilience.
Because the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Airheads make the world a better place :)

Wow, it's been a while! Look's like I gotta update you...
Wednesday: I had my soccer game against Eden Prairie at Wayzata High School. The first half of the game our team did great and the score at the half was 2 to 0. I guess we got cocky and lazy so we let 2 goals in at the second half. I'm very upset that we lost, but we are still undefeated and Michaela said they would be the hardest team we play at our level so I'm pretty excited about the rest of our season. Alexis scored the first goal of the game and it was a really pretty shot. I scored the second goal off a cross from our goalie/forward Christy and I was really happy. Both sides of grandparents came along with my mom, dad, and sister. Lily was also there to watch Alexis with Justin. I don't have soccer for a while because my coach is on vacation at a wedding in Mexico so I'm sad about that because I'm finally in the soccer groove and I'm getting pumped so taking a break like this makes my muscles hurt... :(
Thursday: Well not much happened other than a mini fight with Lucas and then an awkward night at CJs. Yeah... I'm not going to talk about it.... But I had fun being around Marissa, she is like my best friend.
Friday: Mr. Metzler sang his song that he wrote for the blue team and he did pretty good. He bashed the right people, except for Lucas, which he called a pouter which makes no sense to me. His verse about period 4 was mainly about me he said, "There's a girl in this class that thinks she's so hot, but all of her boyfriends are really not." Everybody started laughing and looked right at me. I wasn't embarassed or anything, I was laughing too. After school nothing much happened on my friday night other than going to Costco with my family (we got a BIG box of airheads, yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and watching Dear John, Valentines Day, and then falling asleep on my basement couch watching Bend it Like Beckham. Yeah.... Don't watch Valentines Day if you are in love with Bradley Cooper, your dreams of marriage with him die when you see him rub that guy from Grey's Anatommy (McSteamy) with a flower and stroking his face with pure love in his eyes. It's disgusting. I love the gays, I just hate seeing my soon-to-be husband doing that.
Saturday: I woke up at 5 on my basement couch and decided to go upstairs and slept till about 10. I tried tanning at about 11, but just sitting in the sun for a while got me too hot so I went inside. I got bored and as sad as it was, I was bored on the first morning of memorial day weekend. It's going to be a long summer. But eventually I came up with a plan and me and my sister went out boating on Lake Minnetonka with my grandparents! People might think it's lame, but I had a really good time. I missed the lake so much and the water was surprisingly inviting. I got super hot at Big Island though and had to crawl in. My sister was already in the water so I made her give me a piggy back ride to shore where I could walk without the water ruining my hair. My grandma, sister, and I decided to walk along the shore of Big Island. Big mistake. There's tons of logs and rocks so we were constantly running into things. But this walk was educational because we saw lots of drunks partying. We saw so many drunk guys and girls and it was only like 2 in the afternoon. Wow. They are going to have a rough morning. Most of them were drinking vodka, whiskey, etc straight from the bottle. Icky habit. One of them has to have alcohol posioning right now. What a great way to spend the weekend! haha or not... After being on the lake for a while we decided we should head back because we'd have to go through a lot of channels so it would take a while. When we got home Daddy made steak for himself, my grandma, Abby, and me :) my mom had chicken. We spent a lot of time on the deck and then me and Abby went to the park for a little bit and came back to find the adults in the same place we had left them in. We talked on the deck for a little while longer until I decided to go watch tv on the couch. I layed around for a while but then decided to go to bed early because I was exhausted.
Sunday (today) : I woke up pretty early after not sleeping well. I was the second person awake!!! I was pretty proud of that actually because usually I'm the last person. I layed around on the couch for a while until my dad and sister decided they wanted to go get haircuts. I went with because I wanted to get my eyebrows done. Bad idea. I came home an hour layer with a layer of skin missing above my left eye. Can you say ouch??? It hurt too bad to put neosporin on it so right now it's just kind of raw... but getting better! To get my mind off of the pain and shock over losing a valuable piece of myself my mom took me shopping to accessorize my 8th grade party outfit. I got Guess shoes at T.J. Maxx and I absolutely love them! I'm so tempted to wear them to school and show them off but I can't! All I can say is that they are gold sandals and possibly the greatest things ever. To go with these wonderful creations from God, I got a long hanging gold necklace from Target. The whole outfit looks GREAT! I can't wait to wear it on Friday! It's going to be so fun! After we got home from our excursion we just kind of hung out and then we decided to go out for dinner at Pizza Luce in Uptown even though we wanted to go to Joe's Garage downtown. It just wasn't a nice night to be on a rooftop deck or at the sculpture gardens. I was a little disappointed but hey, that's Minnesota for ya! Now I'm just hanging out and I'm pondering what movie I should watch on the couch tonight. I want to make plans with people for tomorrow so maybe I'll go do that.
I don't have too much going on this week so I'll either have a lot of time to blog or I'll have to blog about my doing nothingness. But I'll have a lot to say on Saturday after my party!
Goal for Tomorrow: Go outside and enjoy the sunshine :)

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