You do not have to be your mother unless she is who you want to be.
You do not have to be your mother's mother, or you mother's mother's mother, or even your grandmother's mother on your father's side.
You may inherit their chins or their hips or their eyes, but you are not destined to become the women who came before you, you are not destined to live their lives.
So if you inherit something, inherit their strength.
If you inherit something, inherit their resilience.
Because the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A :)

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Nothing memorable except a meeting at the Animal Humane Society about volunteering there with my mommy. It looks really fun! The meeting lasted an hour and it was kind of boring... But after the meeting my mom and I went to the dog adoption floor and saw some cuties! They had a black lab that looked like Lucy's twin... Seriously... It was a lot younger so I'm thinking it was just her cousin. But then I saw this Great Pyrenees/Mastiff mix named Godfrey that I fell in love with. His fuzzy, big muzzle and sad puppy eyes (he was 4) made my heart melt. I wanted to take him home with me! I honestly have no idea how I'm ever going to leave that placed without getting attached or forming a bond with one of them. I'm such a softy.... someday my kids will want a dog, show it to me, and then I will just form a connection with that dog and add them to our household. If that happens I will have so many pets... Oh my G! Other than that, my day was boring.
Today school was good. I have a science final that I'm nervous for. Tonight I'm going to soccer practice and getting Anna a present for her birthday! Tomorrow is the big party :) Yay!!!
Also.... I'M GOING TO CALIFORNIA THIS SUMMER!!!! I'm leaving on Tuesday, June 22nd at 9:15 a.m. and coming back on Tuesday June 29th at midnight. I'm really excited! It will be just my sister and I for the week with my Aunt Darlene but I know things will be really fun. I now have something to look forward to this summer besides getting a tan.
Goal for Tomorrow: Enjoy the party and have lots and lots of fun with my buds :)

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